The Center for American Progress claims that recent policy changes at the Department of Homeland Security “could potentially undo the gains that DACA recipients have made.” Yes and water is wet.
The first time I ever spoke my country’s name outside its borders, I was detained. I was seven years old. Looking back, it should have been obvious to me that no matter how easily the English vowels and consonants found themselves between me and El Americano, Honduran was not American. Even if I crept behind façades […]
Biden s Executive Actions: President Unilaterally Changes Immigration Policy
By Robert Law
on March 15, 2021
Robert Law is the director of regulatory affairs and policy at the Center for Immigration Studies. He would like to thank Josh Timko for his extensive research and analysis that informed the substance of this Backgrounder on the Biden immigration executive actions.
President Biden issued over three dozen executive actions during his first month in office, many of them focused on immigration. Some of the immigration executive actions revoked Trump administration immigration policies and introduced sweeping new policies, while others were more messaging documents with little-to-no practical impact. While the pace of immigration-specific executive actions has slowed recently, it is expected that the Biden administration will continue to rely on executive actions as a tool to reshape immigration policy throughout his term. This