doing those things and january and february is the regulatory stuff because the clock on the ability to go after obama regulations ends soon. sean: here s the big question, the president ran on an agenda. you said he tapped into something that other people missed. we have 13 million more americans on food stamps, 8 million more in poverty. lowest home ownership rate, donald trump says he will build a wall, replace obamacare, vet refugees, makebu america energy independent, seven brackets to three, 15%, allowed repatriation, he runs on education back to the states. building up our military, this is the question that i think conservatives and americans the forgotten man election, i heard everything from obamacare will be done day 1.
we ve seen donald trump derangement syndrome we ve seen it from the media, we ve seen it from democrats, democrats now, they ve literally gone around the moon and those clips you just showed her a perfect example of it. when you have that sort of stuff going on, that fascinating segment you just had with stephen miller or he s talking about the need to control the people that are coming into this country, the need to keep radical islamic terrorism off of our shores. you juxtapose those side-by-side, there is no question with the american people are going to go in terms of voting. sean: all through this last question that you, at the last eight years you know i read a statistics the entire year last year about how bad the obama record was. this is that, more people in poverty, food sense come out of work. the worst recovery, the work lowest home ownership rate, all of those things, these are real people.
it from the media, we ve seen it from democrats, democrats now, they ve literally gone around the moon and those clips you just showed are perfect examples of it. when you have that sort of stuff going on, that fascinating segment you just had with stephen miller or he s talking about the need to control the people that are coming into this country, the need to keepop radical islamic terrorism off of our shores. you juxtapose those side-by-side, there is no question with the american people are going to go in terms of voting.o sean: all through this last question that you, at the last eight years you know i read a statistics the entire year last year about how bad the obama record was. this is that, more people in poverty, food sense come out of work. the worst recovery, the work lowest home ownership rate, all of those things, these are real people. that had a big impact on the election and the results of the election.
i wanted him to be more bold when it comes to defending poor and working people, instead of defending wall street executives. sean: he had a prime opportunity. since he was president, lowest labor participation rate since the 70s. 8 million more people on poverty. lowest home ownership rate since in 51 years. he had a good record when it comes to producing jobs, the problem was that the jobs were low-paying contingent. sean: you give me a hard time about donald trump, i m looking at carrier, ford. i m looking at alibaba, fiat chrysler. all these others. $7 billion investments. getting rid 75% of regulation, dropping the corporate tax 15%. they build factories, those jobs
have 43 million on food stamps, you can t have the lowest home ownership rate and 51 years and doubled the debt in the process and say things are going well. i think i was a big part of it. he did mention himself much today. these weren t statistics, these weren t real people. if you went across the country as i did at different times, you met these people. if you really had your eyes open, you knew what was going to happen. sean: i think there is a distinct it s a night to celebrate tonight, but going forward, donald trump will face is this republican establishment against him, democratic establishment, media establishment. by the way, like cnn over there. you know what it is? the political world, it doesn t want change. they make a very good living by making no change. what does that mean? will make a bill, make sure it doesn t actually get done. that s notn donald trump. what he said it was normally