Campaigns launched to help Hong Kong residents isolating at home Asia News Network (ANN) is the leading regional alliance of news titles striving to bring the region closer, through an active sharing of editorial content on happenings in the region.
The Ministry of Public Health is perfectly within its rights to modify the status of Covid-19 and treatment schemes as the disease keeps evolving, but with the situation far from stable and the number of new cases and fatalities still rising, it must approach this challenge with due care.
BANGKOK: The Public Health Ministry sought public understanding about the newly launched Outpatient under Self-Isolation service yesterday (Mar 1) as it manages the transition of COVID-19 to an endemi
The Public Health Ministry sought public understanding about the newly launched Outpatient under Self-Isolation service on Tuesday as it manages the transition of Covid-19 to an endemic disease.
PHUKET: The Scholars of Sustenance Foundation (SOS) is continuing its campaign to provide food to people in need across the island as the economic crisis continues to afflict thousands of residents wi