Dave Wanberg, City Planner in Faribault was joined by Stacy Boots Camp from the Center for Energy and the Environment on today's KDHL AM Minnesota Program.
Tue, 04/06/2021 - 8:39am tim
In annual State of the City address, Mayor Weinberger asks all Burlington residents to imagine a future where we have eliminated racial disparities and where everyone in the Burlington community feels true belonging
Vermont Business Magazine Monday night, Mayor Miro Weinberger virtually delivered the annual State of the City address, during which he reported that the State of the City is one of great hope. Mayor Weinberger outlined how over the past year, Burlingtonians have worked together to contain the virus as well as any City in America, and how, with the end of the pandemic in sight, Burlington is ready to take on the opportunities ahead and emerge from this time of historic challenge as a healthier, greener, more equitable, and more racially just community.