Capital Homecare Cooperative (CHC) embodies a new model for the caregiving business that creates a positive experience for its clients as well as the people providing the care.
he said, we realize that doesn t work. the point here isn t that they are not really smart. they are very, very smart. the point is, if you should create this computer game and set up a bunch of companies, a bunch of players all pursuing their self-interest madly. do you have a wonderful market economy or a car crash. i think a big reason you had the car crash and it started in the united states is that you guys lost the view that you needed someone in the center of the ring whose job was not to be a farmer and grow these businesses but whose job was to be the policeman saying, you can t go here, you can t go there. you might not think that what i m doing is good for you right now but actually it is central foor t for the system. in terms of the policeman analogy, they describe themselves very specifically. that s natural that they would. one thing that i want to share with the viewers who are already