John and Charles Wesley and a handful of other Oxford students devoted themselves to a rigorous search for holiness and service to others.
The Holy Club, the name given to John and Charles Wesley’s group by their fellow collegians in mockery of their emphasis on devotions, was the first sign of what later became Methodism. Begun by Charles and led by John after his return to Oxford University in 1729, the Holy Club members fasted until 3 PM on Wednesdays and Fridays, received Holy Communion once each week, studied and discussed the Greek New Testament and the Classics each evening in a member’s room, visited (after 1730) prisoners and the sick, and systematically brought all their lives under strict review.
thousands. i.r.s. doesn t want to go after us because they know they ll lose in court and then you have 350,000 preachers instead of a few hundred saying something. glenn: to okay. so you just got back from cambridge where you were doing some study. yeah. not cambridge, oxford. glenn: oxford. sorry. oxford where whitefield actually had his experience that went, wait a minute, it s not collective here. it s personal. actually doing my thesis, p.h.d. on great awakening and influence on the revolution. glenn: are we going through awakening now? absolutely. glenn: what are signs of it? let me give you examples. whitfield came preaching that salvation was individual. he did because he was part of a collective salvation idea in oxford in the holy club. but he had experience outside of christ church college where he gave his life to christ. he came preaching individual
then you have 350,000 preachers instead of a few hundred saying something. glenn: to okay. so you just got back from cambridge where you were doing some study. yeah. not cambridge, oxford. glenn: oxford. sorry. oxford where whitefield actually had his experience that went, wait a minute, it s not collective here. it s personal. actually doing my thesis, p.h.d. on great awakening and influence on the revolution. glenn: are we going through awakening now? absolutely. glenn: what are signs of it? let me give you examples. whitfield came preaching that salvation was individual. he did because he was part of a collective salvation idea in oxford in the holy club. but he had experience outside of christ church college where he gave his life to christ. he came preaching individual salvation. glenn: he couldn t understand how people weren t weepy. don t you feel weepy inside?
clergyman. that was the career he had chosen without the personal relationship. glenn: yeah, it was more of a job, wasn t it? more of a job. a calling. prestige, too. early on. he decided to do that before his conversion. glenn: right. and then he was converted in college hanging out with john and charles westerly and others of what we call the holy club now, or they called it that back then, i believe. then his life, now he had a mission. at some point he made it his mission to make the whole world his parish. glenn: what i learned, ben franklin does anybody know ben franklin s view on poverty and the poor? it s shocking. nobody would say it today. he said you want to help the poor? make them uncomfortable in their poverty, they will pull themselves out. he was uncomfortable in his poverty. so he wanted to do something about it. get out. but then he fell in with the right kind of friends. and then was transformed.
clergyman. that was the career he had chosen without the personal relationship. glenn: yeah, it was more of a job, wasn t it? more of a job. a calling. prestige, too. early on. he decided to do that before his conversion. glenn: right. and then he was converted in college hanging out with john and charles westerly and others of what we call the holy club now, or they called it that back then, i believe. then his life, now he had a mission. at some point he made it his mission to make the whole world his parish. glenn: what i learned, ben franklin does anybody know ben franklin s view on poverty and the poor? it s shocking. nobody would say it today. he said you want to help the poor? make them uncomfortable in their poverty, they will pull themselves out. he was uncomfortable in his poverty. so he wanted to do something about it. get out. but then he fell in with the right kind of friends. and then was transformed.