Small mammal research focus of Zoom event Feb. 18
Bath land trust to host talk by associate scientist for UMaine’s Center for Research on Sustainable Forests.
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Jack Witham, associate scientist for University of Maine’s Center for Research on Sustainable Forests, will talk about the roles of rodents and how their populations tell stories about forest health at 6 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 18, via Zoom, according to a news release from the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust in Bath.
The talk, hosted by the land trust, will showcase the 35-plus years of small mammal research Witham has guided at Holt Research Forest in Arrowsic.
Learn about sturgeon in Maine via Zoom Jan. 21
Lecture provided by Kennebec Estuary Land Trust.
Learn about sturgeon of Maine from Dr. Gayle Zydlewski on Jan. 21, hosted by Kennebec Estuary Land Trust. Photo courtesy of Dr. Gayle Zydlewski
A virtual lecture about some of Maine’s most interesting fish will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21, on Zoom. Although you may have seen or heard sturgeon leap and splash in Maine’s Kennebec and Sheepscot rivers, these large bony fish are rare along much of the North American coast and are included on the endangered species list, according to a news release from the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust.
Land trust to present lecture series
The Times Record
A virtual lecture organized by the Kennebec Estuary Land Trust at 6 p.m. Thursday, Jan. 21 will focus on sturgeon. The lecture will feature Gayle Zydlewski, a professor at the University of Maine who has carried out research on sturgeon in Maine’s rivers for more than 10 years. Zydlewski will discuss where sturgeon can be found along Maine’s coast, how they live and what recent research in Maine has found out about them.
On Thursday, Feb. 18, Kennebec Estuary Land Trust co-founder and board member Jack Witham will discuss his work at the Holt Research Forest. On Thursday, Feb.25, Tim Blair will lead a discussion on mindful meditation in the outdoors.
Learn about Maine’s living fossils – sturgeon! A virtual lecture on Thursday, Jan. 21 will focus on some of Maine’s most interesting fish. Although you may have seen or heard sturgeon leap and splash in Maine’s Kennebec and Sheepscot Rivers, these.