Bless and comfort those who suffer from this disease. Give them healing. Bless and comfort those who mourn the loss of loved ones in he wake of covid19. Inspire those professionals whose lifes work is health care. Those who care for the sick and those who labor to find treatments and cures to diseases as they emerge and begin their own effort to survive. Help us to love you and one another for we know that you work all things together for good for those who do so. In our communities throughout the country, fin toe continue to bless government, citizens, and police with a spirit of respect and cooperation. May peace descend upon all that mabes and those in service to them can look Forward Together to a more prosperous future. Bless the peoples house and may all that is done be for your greater honor and glory. Amen. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to section 4a of House Resolution 967, the journal of the last days proceeding is approved. The pledge of allegiance will be led by the gent
You can also send us a text, that number 202 7488003. Please include your name or where you are from. Therwise on social media a very good thursday morning. You can start calling you now. To let you know where we are on capitol hill, the houses and at 9 00 a. M. Eastern, the senate is in at 10 00 a. M. Eastern. President trump headed to wisconsin to participate in a town hall and visit a shipbuilding firm. We do not know when that promised executive order on mound events and statues will on monuments and statues will come but the president had plenty to say at the white house yesterday. [video clip] we will have a strong executive order. We have the monuments act, which means 10 years in jail. We will have a strong executive order, i should have that by the end of the week. We will have a very powerful statement. We have arrested numerous people for what took place outside of washington. In addition, the fbi is investigating hundreds of people throughout the country for what they have
Taking it into their own hands well show you all right its time to use i q. An explosive report in the New York Times as receiving responses from the United States all the way to russia with many calling out the publication for quoting alleged intelligence officials but failing to provide any supporting evidence the article quotes Anonymous Sources claiming russia paid bounties in afghanistan to kill americans for more on this developing story lets turn to our views Rachel Blevins shes joining me here in studio as rachel what has the official response been from all the various sides while President Trump was quick to deny this report and he responded on twitter of course where we called on the New York Times to reveal these Anonymous Sources that they claim to be citing he then went on to say quote intel just. Reported to me that they did not find this info credible and therefore did not report it to me or Vice President penns possibly another fabricated russia hoax now a spokesperson
And extend their remarks. The speaker pro tempore without objection. Mr. Hastings mr. Speaker, on wednesday, the rules committee met for 7 1 2 hours and reported a rule, House Resolution 1017, providing for consideration of six measures, each under a closed rule. For h. R. 51 the rule provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on oversight and reform. And selfexecutes a managers amendment. For h. R. 1425, the rule provides three hours of debate equally divided among and controlled by the chairs and ranking minority members of the committees on education and labor, energy and commerce, and ways and means and selfexecutes a managers amendment. For h. R. 5332, the rule provides one hour of debate equally divided and controlled by the chair and ranking minority member of the committee on Financial Services and selfexecutes a managers amendment. For h. R. 7120, the rule provides four hours of debate equally divided an
Of accounts rosen and now questions are being raised about how a german based in tech company do so many even auditors all right its time to put your news i q. An explosive report in the New York Times is receiving responses from the United States all the way to russia with many calling out the publication for quoting alleged intelligence officials but failing to provide any supporting evidence the article quotes an anonymous source is claiming russia paid bounties in afghanistan to kill americans for more on this still developing story lets go to our she is rachel blood and she is joining us live in studio now as rachel what has the official response been from all these various sides or President Trump was quick to deny this report and here of course responded on twitter where he called on the New York Times to reveal these Anonymous Sources that they used in. Report now he then went on to say quote intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible and therefore did