i suppose, to the outsider, we might seem a little unorthodox, but what does this outsider know anyway? who is he to judge us? the whole notion of the outsider. i mean, it s a strand that goes through most sitcoms, i think. you took tongue right out of my mouth. outsiders help us relate as an audience. what are you some kind of nerd? i m not some kind of nerd, i am the king of nerds. [ laughs ] they re seeing everything with fresh eyes. you rang? that dynamic is pretty awesome, it s special. that confidence really made people feel like they could be okay to be whoever they are. did i do that? and i think, if i believe in who i am and own it, i can still be cool. hello? anybody in there? fly, be free! the absolute essence of a successful sitcom is one word, and that is emotion. we abolished emotions on ork a billion bleams ago. they took a vote, and everyone said all in favor? eh. we have a great love for these alien characters who were st
but garry marshall who was executive producer of happy days was a fan of my favorite martian. and his son, scott, says to his father, i think there should be an alien on happy days . that would be funny. [ knocking ] oh, come in. garry writes, mork from ork. all of a sudden head of casting comes down with a young man, very quiet, very shy, this young man, robin williams, picks up the script. and we start doing the scene. fonz, it s that finger of his. he just points it once and wham bam, goodbye cunningham! and that was the last time i ever heard the script the way it was written. come along, specimen. uh, wait a minute. let me tell you something, you ain t taking my buddy here. you wanna rumble? rumble! ta-da ta-da that it is a holly dagger, let s