this is about the tenth amendment. you know, these guys are so convenient about, you know, hollering about state s rights until it actually is in practice, and i think the reason we have to slow down on the pipeline is not that anybody is saying the pipeline shouldn t happen but we have to respect the rights of nebraska. now where are you on this, and if nebraska is in now, if they feel like their concerns have been answered, are you supportive of this pipeline? you know, i would certainly take a look at it. if state rights are being protected and if this is going to be something maybe that we try to jump start the approval process, make it go more quickly. i mean, i think there s a variety of ways that we can look at this, but the bottom line is the reason that we feel so strongly about this is that while i m perfectly willing to raise taxes a smudge on multi-millionaires, i ll be gosh darned if i think it s a good idea to raise taxes on people who are working as hard as they know
we want keystone, and i understand there s other things, but they want the keystone pipeline. my guess if you send them back a bill that got rid of that other stuff you didn t like but gave them keystone, done, everybody goes home for christmas. well, let s hope we can negotiate something like that. i think if i were going to critique harry reid this morning i really wish we would stop with this dead on arrival, not going to go there and begin to have language like we re going to take a look at it and see if there s anything that we can agree on here and over the next couple of days try to come to an agreement. that s what s really going to happen, and i don t know why this place is so set on, you know, looking like we re combative all the time. there i believe there will be a compromise here, and i want to point out on this keystone pipeline, todd, that chuck, that the reason that this thing stopped was not washington. the reason this thing stopped was because the people of nebr