Lakeshore Advantage to host five-year celebration for Surge program
Sentinel Staff
HOLLAND An economic development organization serving Ottawa and Allegan counties will host an in-person celebration of five years assisting local startups.
Lakeshore Advantage invites business and community members who support innovation and entrepreneurship to the Surge Celebration at 5 p.m. Thursday, June 17, at Holland Civic Center Place. The outdoor in-person event will honor five years of accomplishments and showcase local startup companies.
“Our community has a long history of developing, innovating and making world-renowned products, said Lakeshore Advantage President Jennifer Owens.
Gentex, the region s largest employer, will showcase the company s cutting-edge technology and products, according to organizers. The company is also the premier sponsor of the celebration.
Grand Rapids Business Journal
Courtesy Lakeshore Advantage
The economic development agency for Allegan and Ottawa counties will celebrate the years of work that led to the success of local startups at a public event next month.
Zeeland-based Lakeshore Advantage said last week that it is inviting business and community members who support innovation and entrepreneurship to the SURGE Celebration at the Holland Civic Center Place, 150 W. Eighth St. in Holland, from 5-7 p.m. June 17.
The outdoor event will celebrate five years of accomplishments within the Holland SmartZone and will showcase local startup companies.
“Our community has a long history of developing, innovating and making world-renowned products. The resources, provided by the SmartZone and support services developed by our team, will ensure that history continues for many years to come,” said Jennifer Owens, Lakeshore Advantage president. “The SURGE Celebration will showcase the years of work and our thriving ec