It for you. I think that so just to say this book is a book about military adaptation and its about how different players adapted over time and i begin the book at the end of the cold war and as i was casting around for a way to frame whats happened since then i found jim moses comments in his confirmation hearing extraordinarily apt its a rather prescient deer of the International Security environment of the ninetys but it really comes down to that one phrase where he says we slain a large dragon talking about this so he but now we find ourselves in a jungle filled with a broader and broader for the snakes and in many ways the dragon was easier to keep track of and i think what hes trying to say here is that weak states failing states and nonstate actors are the principal threat of the 99 is a. Minute or until it is the total color and. Its also way of categorising and its essentially putting legitimate state actors like russia or china into the same group as nonstate actors like isis
Confirmation hearing extraordinarily apt its a rather prescient dear of the International Security environment of the ninetys but it really comes down to that one phrase where he says was slain a large dragon talking about the soviet union well now we find ourselves in a jungle still with a broader and broader for the snakes and in many ways the dragon was easier to keep track of and i think what hes trying to say here is that weak states failing states and nonstate actors are the principal threat of the 99. 00 is a. Minute or until it is the total call and. Its also we have categorizing and its essentially putting legitimate state actors like russia or china into the same group as nonstate actors like isis and object terrorist groups isnt just al just a little bit to give this to folks contrary i mean if you are not with asio or against that. So actually i think hes making the opposite point what hes saying is there are 2 different characters that are very different from each other th
Or in your state adversaries russia china perhaps and then there are a completely different category which is the nonstate actors what he calls the snake and my argument in the book is that weve spent basically 20 years focusing on snakes on only particularly one snake International Islamic extremism and the related terrorism and i think that the world that rules he describes in 993. 00 was an accurate description for maybe 10 years but it is out of date now and we now harness if you like maladapted to the modern environment its interesting at the same because i had a chance to interview mr holmes a few years back that on the u. S. Russia relationship actually struck me as somebody that very. Well here and. He was speaking about russia as a School Principal to talk about hes behaving student and i thinking even viewed the world as a dram that the United States. Needs the time has long gone dont you think that batman of war no longer thinks the world that we all. So i actually talk abou
My son is 20 years old. He is in a group home. He is autistic. One of the challenges i have seen is that, as far staffing goes, they have a cap on what they can pay the person, salary wise. My son is severely autistic. He hurts himself. Here is other people. He is 21. Gets cycled over again. They cant bring the proper people in. I was hoping that they can have or anotheressional level based on the intensity. I think i understand. Help me with this. Let me tell you a few things generally. It is the philosophy of this administration that we need to move more people out of institutionalization it into a group home setting. We believe that is where they get the most appropriate care and reach their highest potential. It would shock people i will it would not shock people you, i am sure. But new jersey has more developmentally disabled people next to texas. I dont believe that is right. Were looking at challenges in our model because of the differences that each individual brings. This is s
And we should make highquality education a reality for all. Thank you very much. [applause] thank you very much. That concludes the debate for the evening. We ask you, as you leave, to take a look at the tables outside. They will be signing books. If you have an interest in speaking with them, please consider yourself invited. Thank you. We want to hear what you thought of the debate on our facebook page. The whole, i watched debate and questions from the audience. Not much new here. This debate should be about why uza hass free and dso been targeted. Cspan, Chris Christie answering questions at a town hall meeting on Hurricane Sandy recovery efforts. Also a lecturer at justins about new jersey ethics and the history of caution. Then democratic governors meetings with president obama and Vice President biden before the meeting in washington. Ther, another look at hat is so great about america . New jersey governor Chris Christie held a town hall meeting to answer questions and talk to