Every accomplishment starts with the decision to try. And as students get ready for the new school year, that is the hope for Tashika Yateman-Gardener. The educator and entrepreneur, who is looking forward to embarking upon this term with open.
One year after the passing of their father Michael Jackson due to colon cancer, fate dealt another blow to the Jackson family of Coopers Pen, Trelawny. Christine Campbell, head of the family, said the death of her partner left her with sleepless.
The Iroquois High School auditorium was the setting for a moving ceremony on Aug. 15, when 36 former immigrants from across the globe became citizens of the United States. What made this ceremony so special is not just that it took place at a high school instead of a courthouse, but that it was produced entirely by the students in Iroquois' government and civics summer school class.