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Many people don’t realize that The Beatles’ 1966 song
Got to Get You Into My Life isn’t about an infatuation with a girl. Instead, it’s about the Fab Four’s love affair with marijuana.
After trying marijuana for the first time, the Liverpudlians were immediately smitten with the substance. Hence their love song to Mary Jane. Fast forward to 2021 and the vast majority of Americans increasingly feel the same way.
Today is an appropriate time to gauge marijuana’s wide popularity. Marijuana adherents recognize April 20 (or 4/20) as an international holiday for cannabis culture.
According to a new survey released April 16, an overwhelming majority of U.S. adults (91%) say either that marijuana should be legal for medical
Hudson Valley Holistic Outdoor Markets Return for 2021
It’s 2021, the pandemic is (hopefully) starting to wind down, people are getting vaccinated, and soon we’ll be feeling like things are back to normal. Or, at least a little more normal. We ll still have to be careful, and respect social distances, but our moods and outlooks will be much better.
One of the things that we saw a lot of during the pandemic was outdoor markets. The Hudson Valley already had it s share of farmers markets and flea markets, but the pandemic brought surprise outdoor pop up shops and markets that never had outdoor vendor events started to. It was just safer to be outdoors, and we not only adapted, we embraced it. There’s an outdoor market that will be back this spring, and I think it’s going to be pretty cool.