It has been widely reported in the Alternative Media this month that the FDA has banned trans fats, and that they will no longer be allowed in foods starting December 22, 2023. Please note: if you believe that the FDA always tells us the truth because they want to protect us, then there is no need for you to read any further. Go on trusting them and their advice for drugs, vaccines, and food. Just make sure your estate is in order, as it has been widely shown that following the FDA's advice leads to shortened lifespans. If, on the other hand, you understand that the FDA is simply the marketing branch for Big Pharma and Big Food, which looks out for THEIR best interests and how to maximize profits, and that it is almost always wise to do the exact OPPOSITE of what the FDA recommends, then read on. I have thoroughly researched this claim, and as far as I can see this (dis)information originates from a single article published on Epoch Times by Mary Gillis. I have searched the FDA we
Sometimes all it takes is one small decluttering project to make a space feel tidier. Whether it’s tackling a single junk drawer or organizing craft supplies, here are some manageable organizing projects that will bring you one step closer to home organization bliss.
Optimising talent has never been more central to overall business success than it is today. But just how well is your talent programme delivering against this strategic ask? Here is your chance to find out.