In the waning light, some people experience winter blues or the more serious diagnosis of Seasonal Affective Disorder. Others simply find the holidays stressful because of heightened social expectations or
Just as the shift to shorter days and colder weather can bring with it mood swings and other emotional challenges, the holiday season can also bring about somewhat predictable changes in mood and behavior.
While many focus on the festive fa-la-la-ing of the holiday season, underneath the smiles and seasons greetings likely lurks some stress. “Definitely financial stressors occur as well as emotional stressors, and those are for obvious reasons,” said Rebecca Manches, a licensed professional counselor with Life Solutions Professional Counseling Center in Hopwood, Fayette County. Family frustrations […]
While many focus on the festive fa-la-la-ing of the holiday season, underneath the smiles and seasons greetings likely lurks some stress. “Definitely financial stressors occur as well as emotional stressors, and those are for obvious reasons,” said Rebecca Manches, a licensed professional counselor with Life Solutions Professional Counseling Center in Hopwood, Fayette County. Financial frets […]