what s hot, what s not. time now for trenders. check us out on twitter@edshow. raw, story.com and on itunes. we re talking about the economy today. ed show social media nation has decided and we are reported. here are today s top trenders voted on by you. ooh! hurricane. the number three trender. holiday hurricane. arthur now a category 1 hurricane is taking aim at the carolina outer banks. it s hard to believe the hurricane s come. it was so great. arthur could fizzle the fireworks for revelers on a north carolina coast. most people aren t thinking about going to the beach. they re evacuating. let s get out of here. we ll try to sit out the hurricane. the current track shows it
qaeda is working on undetectable bombs. a holiday hurricane, the warnings are up and a big storm could wreak havoc on the east coast. we have the latest details. from safety. to fuel economy. to quality. today s chevrolet has it all. and it s a great time to buy. during the chevy 72 hour sale, you ll get 0% apr for 72 months. plus no monthly payments for the rest of the summer. 0% apr for 72 months