my dream was to have my own company. will: you got a family with three sons in the business, at least two grandchildren. it s a family affair. these guys that work on the rig, the guys that help us with perfection, they become part of that family too. without them we cannot do what we do. will: during the drilling phase this thing is operating 24 hours a day? 24 hours a day, seven days a week. will: this is an operational rig. that means the drilling crew took a quick timeout and quick break sew we could step in here. jack and chris explain what is going on. the hole height behind you, chris, this is where the drilling begins? we have drilled our surface. we re getting ready to pick up tools drill out from undersurface and drill to the death. will: this hole takes how long to drill? takes about 16 days. will: 16 days. then you begin the fracking process to get the well flowing. correct. will: from the drilling site you