ask what it s been like, when that time came so fresh off the worst day in your life? quite honestly, it s been difficult, but it s been very encouraging, and exciting. all in the same. let s go back. medgar had been assassinated about a month before the march on washington. one of the most tragic and unnerving experiences in my life and for my children, he came home from a meeting, holding t-shirts that read jim crow must go. as he got out of the car, he was shot in the back. we heard the rifle shot, the children ran to the bathroom and tried to get into the tub. it had been described as the safest place in the house. medgar had taught them that. i went to the front door, the force of the bullet had pushed him forward in his car, and with
and it s precisely that genius that has brought about member of the congressional the mini-industry of black caucus. appropriating the words of the i d like to start with you and reverend dr. martin luther king, because there is so much in that ask what it s been like, when speech. that time came so fresh off the and so much in the message, that worst day in your life? people i want to play a brief quite honestly, it s been sound clip. difficult, but it s been very encouraging, and exciting. we re going from the most sublime to the most mundane, i all in the same. apologize. this is what 30, 40, 50 years let s go back. does, which has been appropriated by the conservatives, the right, what he actually meant. take a listen. medgar had been assassinated if dr. king were alive today, i believe he would be broken about a month before the march hearted about what has happened on washington. to the traditional family, and one of the most tragic and not only among blacks. we feel th