president a liar. confronting the press secretary. you said from the lectern that the wedding of naomi biden and peter. it will be closed to the media. yet, i m reading all about it and looking at pictures on the vogue website. can you just talk us through what happened there? so, first of all, let s level set here for a second. this was not a national security meeting. this was not an economic meeting. this was not an economic summit, portrait shoot on thursday afternoon. green room? i love it. can you talk us through it? yes, can you talk us through the vogue shoot? so he they re upset that vogue was able to take a couple of pictures of president biden s granddaughter a few days before her wedding. that s what made them turn on the president? where were they when the white house officials were saying this? the economists that the president has been relying on suggests that there is a transitory nature, the inflation. the president has said and
time that breyer steps aside well before breyer steps aside. hen he does that person will replace breyer. at the same time republicans are resigned to fact there s very little they can do to stop this nomination. one republican, lindsey graham who supported president obama s nomination supreme court put out a statement saying as to his replacement, referring to breyer, if all democrats hand together, which i expect they will, they have the power to replace justice breyer in 2022 without one republican vote in support. elections have consequences and that is most evident when it comes to fulfilling vacancies on the supreme court. graham has voted up for some of the nominees on biden s short list including brown-jackson who was confirmed last year. he was one of three republicans who voted for her nomination. democrats are confident they can keep their full caucus in line, get them to support the nominee
if they don t get any republican vo votes, there s no chance that all 50 democrats will support president biden s pick. i only ask because we have seen such contentious battles within the democrats over some of his legislative ideas. i think, obviously, never say never but there s been one thing that senator manchin, in particularly has been pretty good soldier on and one of them is president biden s judges. he voted to confirm judge brown-jackson who is, if not the top choice, among top of the list. that s really important. manchin and sinema are not always in lock step but they often vote in the same way and
the left with stalling of build back better, the stalling of the voting rights legislation. just a tale for us the political opportunity this presents for the president considering that dissatisfaction to now name a black woman to the bench. well, it clearly be historic nomination and one that would make good on a promise that is the president made and that was extracted from congressman jim clyburn. the most senior black lawmaker in the house. it s one a lot of the congressional black lawmakers are telling me they will be holding biden to account on. they want to see him do this. he does he does think it can get a lot of attention manin the cog months and he hopes will inspire a will the of voters to look again at biden and see that he is making good on some promises.
thank you so much. you really can t underscore enough what a momentous decision this is for a sitting u.s. president to make. now president biden getting the chance to make a nomination of his own to the supreme court. now the political piece of this is going to be very, very important too. we know that the white house, president biden and his top aides will be keenly aware of this. that s the political calendar. they are very much focused on the fact that the midterm elections are looming and right now the senate is closely divided with vice president kamala harris weighing in as the tie breaking vote. this is their slim, slim majority. the slimmest majority you can have to get a justice through. we already know from our colleagues on capitol hill who are reporting this that the timeline is likely to move quickly and again this is going to be a luj, huge decision for the president to make and at this moment in time, we do expect that the formal