When deciding whether to obtain a degree in a field you wish to work in or to start with real-world work experience to move toward your career path, it may seem like a difficult decision. The good news is, you can choose to have the best of both worlds. By participating in an internship while obtaining your degree, you will come out with the qualification you wanted along with the work experience you need to land a job that puts you on your desired future career path and gives you a competitive edge at interview.
When deciding whether to obtain a degree in a field you wish to work in or to start with real-world work experience to move toward your career path, it may seem like a difficult decision. The good news is, you can choose to have the best of both worlds. By participating in an internship while obtaining your degree, you will come out with the qualification you wanted along with the work experience you need to land a job that puts you on your desired future career path and gives you a competitive edge at interview.