a 40-yard pool set up in harold square. going on as we speak. her goal is to raise awareness and funds for the victims of superstorm sandy still struggling after a year. the swim will end tomorrow morning on gma. should be interesting. this is a non-stop swim. if she does stop for snacks and food and all of this she has to tread water. she stops 90 seconds or 30 seconds every 90 oh, i forget what it was. i read it yesterday. she has to the tread water and a very short break. not really a break. treading water is harder than swimming. remember that? the hardest part about swimming if you ask me. going back to the reason she is doing this, hurricane sandy victims, some of them still living in hotels a year after the hurricane. some of the houses and areas devastated and waiting to be rebuilt. can t wait to see what she looks like when she gets out of the pool.
and don t have to clean it. that s it. you don t have to clean it. you said it all right there. you have to put food in there. you have to feed the fish. but never have to clean it. that is awesome. is it expensive? 60 bucks, petco on-line and in stores in november. i love it. what else do you got. a dropcam. a way to stay in touch with the family when you travel. hook it up to your wi-fi at home. anywhere you can get wi-fi, you can see your house and your dog. a speaker on that. here boy, here boy. get him all crazy. there is a speaker in the dropcam so you can talk back and forth. from anchor, these are neat. these start at $20, a way to charge your cell phone. throw it in your pocket. if you are a power user this is 3,000 milliamps. the bigggest is 15,000 milliamps. that s a ton of power? this will charge your ipad
we have a lot of mosquitos in houston, texas, but i don t think it s that. i ve played some tennis. i don t know anything about fire hoses nor cucumbers. cedric, i think i m gonna jump this question. gonna jump it? i m gonna jump it. all right. you decided to jump this question. now, brittney, it s now out of play, so let s see what the answer is, what the correct one you kind of jumped around. it was cucumbers. ooh. that was crazy, right? no, i would not have guessed that. yeah, you would ve not guessed that. well, you jumped over it, so that was a good move so far,p but hopefully you didn t jump over anything big. what kind of money she jump? $10,000. [audience groaning] yeah. it s all right. it s okay. you still have some big bucks up there, and you re still alive, cause you didn t know the answer, right? no, no. there you go. here s your next question. here we go. flash photography and, perhaps, throwing stones are off limits at architect philip johnson s
assault, hitting the car with the other bikers. apparently he originally told his supervisors he was there helping and some good samaritans were helping him help. so he lied. we will let the courts decide that stuff. that s the safest way to do it, but yeah. moving right along. day nine of the government shutdown and growing outrage on capitol hill over the impact. death benefits to families of fallen soldiers were temporarily halted because of the shutdown. the pentagon usually pays out $100,000 within days of the death. a private group has come forward to pay the benefits until there is a budget hearing about the death benefits are scheduled for today. the cia is bringing back some employees out of concern for the national security. john brennan said keeping the safety agencies will pose a threat to the safety of human life if they kept them at the current levels. government default could effect everything from mortgage rates to retirement plans. here s abc s jonathan kar
you a little joke. i know how that may sound a bit weird in this context under these circumstances. but i think you re the perfect audience for it. as long as you don t if you don t like it or don t think it s funny or inappropriate that you don t hold it against mr. zimmerman. hold it against me if you want, but not mr. zimmerman. i have your assurance you won t. here s how it goes. knock knock. who s there? george zimmerman. george zimmerman who? all right. good. you re on the jury. nothing? that s funny. after what you folks have been through the last two or three weeks. let s get on to however this serious business of why we re