By Shawn Patrick
Apr 12, 2021
Every weekday Shawn Patrick sheds some light on some good news with His Good Vibes Story. Here is today s.
Most parents can’t wait to get their newborn baby home from the hospital, but for Valentina Garnetti’s family, that took a little longer than usual. The baby girl was born with a congenital heart defect - hypoplastic left heart syndrome - and has remained in University of Michigan s CS Mott Children s Hospital in Ann Arbor since the day she was born.
The one-year-old has endured six surgeries, including four open-heart surgeries, her first when she was just two-days old. But Valentina is a fighter and after 694 days, she’s finally left the hospital and she’s home with her big sisters and family.
By Shawn Patrick
Apr 12, 2021
Nike s announced that it s launching a program that will sell refurbished shoes at cheaper prices. The company will start selling sneakers from its Refurbished Footwear line in 15 U.S. stores by the end of this month.
Nike said it will clean up gently worn, like-new or slightly imperfect sneakers that have been returned by customers and then resell them at a value .
Got some Nike brand kicks you want to unload? Your shoes could qualify for this refurbishment program; you just need to return them to a participating Nike store within 60 days of buying them.
This is good news for those on a budget, because have you seen Nike s prices lately? Still, I am going to pass personally. Wearing some other dude s shoes, no matter how many times they ve been washed is like wearing another dude s undies. I won t do that, and I am not doing this either.
Apr 5, 2021
Fun fact: Dairy and meat both make me feel horrible.
It took a lot of testing, but I finally figured out why my digestive system was being such a hater, and why my acne was out of control. I slowly but surely removed both from my diet (dairy first, then red meat, and then finally turkey and chicken).. and now I feel fantastic! I still eat seafood (give me a good lobster roll any day!), but other than that .. I pretty much go Vegan.
Before you give me the whole then how do you get protein?!?!? lecture - chill. You don t get protein from just meat. There are plenty of other sources, like actual protein powder (I love the simple pea protein at Trader Joe s), chick peas, beans, broccoli, quinoa, and more.
By Shawn Patrick
Apr 5, 2021
Somedays I am sad that I don t really have a relationship with my neighbors, but today I am just happy I don t have this type of relationship.
A Lakewood, Colorado man is making headlines around the country after hanging blow-up dolls in his trees to get back at his neighbor, who he s been feuding with for some time.
“It’s offensive to me. It’s offensive to my neighbors. It’s degrading. It’s disgusting and it needs to come down,” said neighbor Rhonda Valdez.
Four blow-up dolls and a blow-up llama were hung over the weekend at a home on W. Dartmouth Place in Lakewood. The dolls are intended to be little more than gag gifts.