In a joint statement, they said:
‘The proposal to build in this area of beauty is terrible for the area of Grays which we are proud to represent. It would represent a destruction to the environment which is, quite simply, beyond the pale.
‘Of equal concern to us is the fact that a new access on Hogg Lane will need to be created. This reminds us of the shambles around the ‘Belmont Debacle’ when the Council attempted to build over Parker Road green space – which took a huge fight from us and local residents to stop.
‘We agree wholeheartedly with the concerns of Essex Field Club, Natural England and Essex Wildlife Trust regarding the damage to the environment. We wholeheartedly agree with the Council’s own Highways Department regarding the ridiculous access road. Most importantly, we totally and 100% agree with our residents that this green oasis in the middle of a densely built up area needs to be protected.