Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar on Sunday said that the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) would probe Sonali Phogat s death if the family is not satisfied with the Goa police s investigation.
Amid the ongoing stir in the Sonali Phogat s death case, the police on Friday confirmed that the profile was being reviewed at senior levels and said that a chargesheet will be filed on objective grounds.
The Goa government on Friday began demolishing the Curlies restaurant in Goa where actor and BJP leader Sonali Phogat was allegedly drugged and was later declared dead.
Deceased BJP leader Sonali Phogat s daughter Yashodhara Phogat on Tuesday demanded a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) probe into the alleged murder of her mother while also stating that the family is not satisfied with the probe conducted by the Goa Police.