Is the greatest stock since wonder bread. Its about teaching to get you intrigued enough to do your own homework about the stocks we talk about. The market went up today with the dow roaring and s p falling and nasdaq rocking 1. 84 because of grease. Explaining why stocks divorce themselves from the fundamentals. So you shouldnt be faked out or fooled by their girations. The market can be an irrational animal on the upside and downside. Thats what weve been doing since the new year began, trying to explain every night how Lower Oil Prices and Interest Rates and even a strong dollar are not reasons to sell stocks and are often reasons to buy them. Ive been trying to get you comfortable with the notion that whole segments of the market can be under valued and if you wanted to sell i tried to help you recognize there are better moments to do so than when everybody else is panicking. I have to admit that sometimes i just get steamed at all the negativity i see. For the first few trading da