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The Pentagon’s budget request for fiscal year 2022 totals $715 billion, and among the Defense Department’s stated priorities are fighting the “climate crisis” and “extremism” in America’s armed forces.
The funding requested by the Pentagon under Biden continues a trend set under Trump who ballooned the military budget from just $582 billion requested by the Obama administration in 2017. The newest 2022 budget request increases the budget by $11 billion in comparison to 2021.
A combined $40 million in the new Pentagon budget request is earmarked for fighting climate change and extremism in the ranks.
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The United States has reached a full year without a combat death in Afghanistan as conflict with the Taliban wanes.
The milestone was reached on Monday as the U.S. aims to remove international military forces from the country by May 1 and attempts to negotiate peace to end the two-decade war, Stars and Stripes reported.
The last recorded deaths of military members in Afghanistan during the conflict occurred on February 8, 2020, when Army Sergeants 1st Class Javier Gutierrez and Antonio Rodriguez were killed in action, Stars and Stripes reported. An Army Staff Sergeant and Private First Class were killed the month before.