ROCKPORT It has been a three-month construction pause, but April 1, the Rockport Code Enforcement Officer issued once again a permit to 20 Central Street LLC, the company that is in the process of building a 20-room hotel in Rockport Village. “We.
ROCKPORT Members of Rockport’s Zoning Board of Appeals voted Dec. 9 to continue in two weeks its review of an appeal brought against municipal approval of a new downtown hotel, rather than proceeding with the appeal as originally scheduled.
The board agreed that it would use the interim to review four letters submitted by attorneys for the applicants, the appellants and the Chair of the Rockport Planning board; those letters were received within days of the scheduled Dec. 9 hearing.
By the end of the their last meeting on Dec. 1, the ZBA made no decision to uphold or dismiss the appeal of the Rockport Planning Board approval granted last spring that would allow Stuart and Tyler Smith to pursue a building permit for a new four-story hotel at 20 Central Street, in Rockport Village.