Nearly 1K COVID-19 vaccines wasted, Ohio Department of Health says
890 Moderna vaccines wasted after not being properly stored COVID-19 vaccine Moderna (Source: Tim Dubravetz) By FOX19 Digital Staff | January 20, 2021 at 2:57 PM EST - Updated January 20 at 5:10 PM
COLUMBUS, Ohio (FOX19) - A vaccine provider in Columbus potentially mishandled 890 doses of Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, the Ohio Department of Health said in a news release Tuesday.
According to the ODH, SpecialtyRX received 1,500 vaccines to give to residents at eight long-term care facilities before the new year.
After administering the first doses, SpecialtyRX had 890 doses remaining.
“The company was exploring a transfer of the doses to another provider when it was discovered that they had failed to appropriately monitor temperatures in their refrigerator and freezer,” the ODH said in the release.
allegedly, that would be racketeering, the government goes after organized crime and the mafia for that. sean: okay. for all of these statutes, these are real crimes. i keep saying you can t have a two-tiered justice system. mishandled, destroyed classified top secret special access program information. all of these issues involving the kickbacks, paybacks, pay to play. how do they get away with it and do you think they slide? they are escape artist that would make houdini proud. sean: [laughs] whenever they are caught dangling their feet over the edge of illegality, they usually dummy up. hillary clinton she said 39 times i cannot recall. it was so short because she could only recall her name and date of birth. she pretends she s dumber than a
allegedly, that would be racketeering, the government goes after organized crime and the mafia for that. sean: okay. for all of these statutes, these are real crimes. i keep saying you can t have a two-tiered justice system. mishandled, destroyed classified top secret special access program information. all of these issues involving the kickbacks, paybacks, pay to play. how do they get away with it and do you think they slide? they are escape artist that would make houdini proud. sean: [laughs] whenever they are caught dangling their feet over the edge of illegality, they usually dummy up. hillary clinton she said 39 times i cannot recall. it was so short because she could only recall her name and date of birth. she pretends she s dumber than a bucket of hair when it serves
thing here. there s never really been a big racial problem at all or any really racial problem at all in charlottesville. so, just the thought of this is pretty mind boggling. and brooke, there s one thing i wanted to say, and that is that i know that all around the country, and perhaps around the world, there are cities that are holding vigils in solidarity of charlottesville, and i just want to say, on behalf of charlottesville, as a citizen, to those people, thank you very much. we really appreciate your support. what do you make of just, boyd, how the president handled, mishandled, responding to this. brooke, i don t have any comment on what the president does. you know, everybody does, and it s not that i don t have an opinion, but i just don t have a comment, and you know, it s
not government employees at the time, who were not targets of stuff were surveiled, had their information unmasked, had it made available, it was politically spread. all of this should be very concerning to people that an administration, or people in an administration, people serving in government, who are providing classified information, given clearance in the trust of the united states government misused, mishandled, potentially did some very very bad things with classified information. that astonishes me that that is not the subject of this. that all of this is happening in our country and yet the subject we talk about what door someone came in, what day it happened. there is a concern that people misused, mishandled, misdirected, classified information, leaked it out, spread it out, violated civil liberties. and the potential that that happened should concern every