economy and americans are hurt, they are being hurt by the inflation and being hurt by the economy. in fact, 65% say that we are already in a recession and now 60% report that they are living paycheck to paycheck, whether or not the federal government, whether or not the democrats want to admit it inflation is having impact on everyday americans. griff: let s show the number that we have been showing, 9.1% when president biden was inaugurated it was at 1.4%. eggs up 23%, butter 23%, gasoline up 59% and airfares up 34%. pretty much, jonathan, anything that you can put your wallet out and pay for is up. yeah, that s the hidden cost of inflation, griff, it isn t that we are paying more but investing less. the economy runs on production and not consumptions and americans are eating into their savings and piling on credit
that s where values and wealth comes from and not from government spending but from the private economy. that s the direction the country needs to be going in and unfortunately as we said biden is going just the opposite way. griff: well, perhaps the administration should fly the capitalist founder to washington to sit down and eloquently explain how this all works because americans are feeling pain at the pump and at the grocery store and everywhere in between. jonathan hoenig, always good to talk to you. aishah. aishah: 21-vehicle pileup killing at least 6 people and injuring others after a huge dust storm blew through southern montana on friday. check this out. authorities say the series of collusions resulted from a surge of winds that appeared out of nowhere and cost, quote, near blackout conditions for drivers. wow. the national weather service says the skies were relatively
card debt and what s frustrating that the federal government at least not yet isn t doing anything yet to address inflation. my fear is not that we are going to have a stock market collapse, one of the worst stock markets but flat economy, the period of great carter era incision flay inflation, theold saying is true tooth paste, once out of the bottle it s difficult to get it back in. griff: it does not go back into the tube. you talk about fears, though, jonathan. i think the conversations so many americans are having at the dinner table right now which is are we or are we not in a recession? jonathan: the majority of them think that we are. 65% despite that washington hasn t declared a recession, they are feeling it. griff, there are some slight
middle class and working class americans to afford health care insurance. health care is the sector that the president and congress has more for costs to americans. and we ve seen the leading sector in the principal doe mains. why has not a single republicans joined in the effort for americans? it s a repeat of 2017 attempt to try to repeal the affordable care act and then again during the pandemic trying to kick americans off. and the democrats are in the house and senate. they set the table. you mentioned gas prices coming down, 4.50, down from $5, but clearly too high for americans, hitting americans in the pocket book across the country. the president coming back from the saudi arabia trip which has been pretty much the fist bump seen around the world has gotten the most headlines. but do you believe that the president has any take aways? is there anything he s bringing
control over it just like president trump had little control. aishah: the white house bring that up in daily briefing and the democrats also bring abortion quite a bit especially in the last couple of weeks on the hill. they are going all in on abortion making the case really that the choices between a nationwide abortion ban or put in democrats and will codify roe v. wade, do you think that s going to work as americans are really struggling just to buy basic goods at the grocery store? no, it went work and it s absolutely clear that the democrats would love to do anything to change the subject away from inflation but issue number 1 and 2 and 3 to the american people are inflation, the economy, gas prices, all of these things land at the feet of joe biden and the problem is to the earlier point is that democrats don t have any good answers to it because the only two things in their tool kit are to blame someone else and to