when you are an accountable news organization you make the mistake that the president listed every one corrected some people got fired, for some of those mistakes. or suspended, and, you know, so i think, that you take those awards, coupled with the president calling the press the enemy of the people, he has a tendencies to undermine democratic institutions to the stalin thing i put sake create or talking about hitler bad idea. corrections redactions what i wouldn ted should do a lot of people out there tweeted at me saying doesn t matter whether they apologize why making mistakes isn t there a lower bar for charges to president sometimes don t there should not be. in fact i think a higher bar when it comes to the president, and i think people are reluctant including all of us to say, oh, my gosh he lied or oh, my gosh he hasse does things repeatedly that you know are hard to explain but we don t want to o evented anybody. doesn t let journalists off