enteintohis e deb bewaithg mo fhesi u t can tetelltohat su pvate ieb h ha encragehe u n llt pside. pte ha mrpresncent geck as wi m p delet jump outf t bt mrest awi m tother we h e tot mp dlut t wit b thi thiss th mentto ier hto ditime thit we hiseth mt i bn gen te aress t he b g t ass e proems. the speh wilros. onc ain he adess pee siousss ailutnc a ads e e sus p aside s bget ductn. heopes it wl pde bt sna oct meers bot parhees test ht wl was to w sk wit tmo mes iotar t h wato wit t i birtis way bt: aer artin abiis gornme shuown onay f da b a ae deincrat lmake sai if gome yohuthinntn f deat lkeai yoin wasad wt untas e de cling incas v we.t nt th willook le a de s cdayngnc vcnic we rthgettilgok leady aor t nex sy ic batt . rtt thpresent dyys tutex h plan fo addttssin tthest nion hla deb oblefoonddin tedneay. n n ing eb theanel le blne. k stolg maheel bliass naonalubli rao, kol andmaippe iicatssnaalli lumnrat ch les krahammnd. pe bi iat let l out
mohs f theresint t enteintohis e deb bewaithg mo fhesi u t can tetelltohat su pvate ieb h ha encragehe u n llt pside. pte ha mrpresncent geck as wi m p delet jump outf t bt mrest awi m tother we h e tot mp dlut t wit b thi thiss th mentto ier hto ditime thit we hiseth mt i bn gen te aress t he b g t ass e proems. the speh wilros. onc ain he adess pee siousss ailutnc a ads e e sus p aside s bget ductn. heopes it wl pde bt sna oct meers bot parhees test ht wl was to w sk wit tmo mes iotar t h wato wit t i birtis way bt: aer artin abiis gornme shuown onay f da b a ae deincrat lmake sai if gome yohuthinntn f deat lkeai yoin wasad wt untas e de cling incas v we.t nt th willook le a de s cdayngnc vcnic we rthgettilgok leady aor t nex sy ic batt . rtt thpresent dyys tutex h plan fo addttssin tthest nion hla deb oblefoonddin tedneay. n n ing eb theanel le blne. k stolg maheel bliass naonalubli rao, kol andmaippe iicatssnaalli lumnrat ch les krahammnd. pe bi iat let l out
th est t n ouentntviitedh d avid n viit plou de anid he didn t dispute ou than, o hgina dy pn rotpod doiste th o na cu ptdoer and w raggg o cuot d aggigg butalinghe fac o at ts ishe bgest gi ut spaldinggut ihenac h to t.is bst th pres entspng pro ipros a h to . buet ith rea thesntro mic a o buh ea m ic mecaiditment rormnd th meiditme republindns proce a th dgetith h rugub dose phat a an noweth hug folloe nghat thet present eanecwd toomol ha ouhewithis o pla to d he est ec to saomhing. ou th o solawh dher wl as msauchi. main to b eso hwher l seen. muc i ha my ubt in b h s in.hit wl probly hay bt mumuch less. i bu wyo p canroy eeho dmuvich les bu an the datevindho ar is e wiing. i and thinmr. oehner ahe wipublg.ans veon a d in . sihngnerican v torybls on signaneit in doll terms r ieay all is ll we, thre m b me t r l vi orieto om weth m b m e hrisis tt wh is ing
thou ccert hth effoon th tav m aun cobamrtare. fo tuname. thats wghin onmall atsinementnd i hders winnll e fut e nent ivest hnt.rs utst. it wl hp all ong. we veen tol the wl h ll hethca, thneg. aw vn and olhe legiatio wld b he helcaulth tond giio w belbuness .to whdo y thi it no ibuss whimpos yhit burns ono the an i normspo gulaon. havthat urun ortaiy when anrmla . th taxe areav gatng unupai wn thxee g paoll vestnt, dt pal inhits st, ings theyon taveheargi th the argehi gsompaes may ey t eve t absgib heth hecoge. wh ipaayoingo thaenbshat the gornmeco wh ingbama ha wts t haveappe igome comma w 2014av pe ter e om20 elecon14 r 20 loofompaes wl sply ecthrooutheir lopa wnds, p s y e fi androt telirs, p wor rs y
ctdi aoon, vernnt s mndinai o nl hwelth an rn,iremt prngram sin o a h h cr d ou rem p spamdingon a crverouhing se.sp ng cludgatiol seruritng it wl . udio litally sit ake w ery ce of ery fedital tlyeolla e ju toce payf f eed t thela juoay p fgram befe th votawmershe ll te u t p debam ef ceithngot owms t u tebei oer14 tllio bilon srt o tt a we l tblowiohrou ity m il s o ma t a s bn up lowouumerst t mes i the astandma usuly a bup shonder sw tt i votetd repusuican aled thehoewly sw elotted scal puanonsed ativhe say ey wlyl on ve to rseeld heal deseivay cling f w itn t vdoto r ttin de snding and cngiteforng t entiemenprog ms.in e pr slemins,nd i botor sid n t tti ienog. prm iasseotid t u.t idefats oits bt a cou caese a t fu.anci fa os aou melown, ca tentlly fciollaing e eqty mketeln, ntyndlag endieq mt inrestates u timoy gehnercalldi tintstes uthinble. moicgeerll t bacto you inric:e.he bget sue ll beithacs. thouk y so c: bt e beh thk muc yo. jam: th is foxuc news