how seriously should we take her warning? incredibly seriously. because, look, i think if you look at the way our collective politics have gone insane over the last several years. there are a lot of macrofactors but one of the clear drivers that has made your your sort of random aunts and uncles, all the sudden, come to the it can table armed with conspiracy theories and alternative facts is their facebook feed. and i think every case can be made that facebook has hit sort of a big-tobacco moment where their own internal research and data shows they knew this algorithm was a problem and while section 230 should protect platforms from anything some random person might post on their site to a large extent. the algorithms are the decisions of the own companies, and by optimizing for engagement, they en ended up rewarding the most negative and extreme content and that has helped political extremism which has disfigured our democracy. sometimes with deadly results.
orleans has created a number of things to prevent the flooding we saw 16 years ago. some of them are levies, some are gates, drainage and pumping systems. it s a multifaceted system. some is new, some of it is old. some are dependant on electricity, which is problematic. but here is an interesting thing, joshua. because you protect a certain area, sometimes means that other areas are less protected. so there are some places looking to do some of these upgrades to prevent the flooding. this is a low-lying area, and those things haven t been approved or completed, some won t be done until 2024. so a lot of people hoping there wouldn t be a major rain event or major hurricane. but in fact, we ve had so many of them. i want you to think back to harvey, which hit sort of
president xi of china. he does. i think he doesn t want to rock that particular boat as he often feels about vladimir putin or recep erdogan or any other authoritarian figure. you re right, it should have been a lay-up. it looked like a pretty hard shot for the president. thankfully, he landed the ball in the hoop. let me ask you, he said something in a statement, he said i signed these bills out of respect for president xi and the people of hong kong. they are being enacted in the hope that leaders and representatives of china and hong kong will be able to amicably settle their differences leading to long-term peace and prosperity for all. we saw municipal elections in hong kong in which pro-democracy, anti-beijing people overwhelmingly won. it sort of doesn t matter because it s administrative work that those people will be doing, but it s a sign of sentiment. the question is this, we all knew when china took over hong kong from the british in 50 years china would do what it wa
effectiveness, explaining the need for an immediate transfer of power to an emergency transitional government. the ruling class, he later explains, has utterly failed. the system has fallen not because of the protests. the protests came after the system failed. the system being a structure that can deal with the realities. and the realities of lebanon are becoming more complicated and dangerous. and we re now in a situation where you have almost all of the political parties, the political leaders in this country who essentially are arguing that yes, we can make reforms, but the status quo will remain. demonstrators say no, this situation needs to change. so it s in a bit of a we ve hit sort of a dead end here and
morning. well, we re still trying to get to the bottom of exactly why the president called off these air strikes that he authorized. and there have been different versions of this put out by the president on twitter and trump allies in public. and i don t think we have a kind of clear and convincing answer at this point. so that is the great hunt that is under way. even the president s own account when he describes this casualty figure is a little hard to make sense of. i mean, by his telling, it appears that he s basically authorized the operation and then asked what the casualty count is going to be. and then says that he s told we ll have to get back to you on that. it sort of doesn t add up. that s typically done very early in the process would you have that number. it s hard to understand why someone would have to get back to him. that account is just a little bit peculiar. but what we do know is that he