and of course, the search and rescue operations are underway. first responders, they have been mobilized. emergency crewd ems doinge tr everything they can to rescuent those that are trappedinue as residents. now continue to suffer under the devastating storm surgesurg from naples to sarasota, forts o myers, beyond the storm is now barreling towards the coast of b south carolina. dsit looks to be headed straight towards charleston, will have full coverage throughout the night tonight. but first, as we have shown you on this program night after night, your presiden aftert, its the president of the united states of america, joe biden,tae is not weln is il. he is weak, is frail, frankly decrepit. is deteriorating cognitively p at a pretty rapired pacetty . and he s not fit to be the commander in chief yesterday. whankly,mmander- may have been joe biden s lowest moment yet,ic which is kind of saying a lot during a white house event on combating hunger, which honored the late indi
these things we talk about every day. we have to control our bordersod . we neeckd background checks.s, we need healths checks during a pandemic, make sure peoplere f won t be will be able to take care of themselves financially. ciallyl be a bwon t be a burden on the american people. how about fixing t the disaster of our educationalf system? offer choice tfer a ceo parentst and educatioo n? how about less government taxation, less governmentnlegal bureaucracy? not only go back to the trum bpe policies of american t energyw u independence, how about american energy dominance? t energyand so much more with ri he s the host of unfiltered. there s no such thing as a filter. dan bongino anyway. dan bongino is wit fis.h us and the co-hosts of the hit showve the five geraldo we alla. know there s no filter for all those. well, rather, i ll just throw the question out. you tell me what joe biden and the democratic socialistd tell me what they ve done, what policies are working for