if you consider that 140,000 black men that did not vote for barack obama that were eligible to vote for barack obama in 2012 came out and voted in a democratic primary, the democratic primary in 2020, even after the presidential race had already been determined, we know that the increase in black men not only overwhelmingly went to democrats, but there was no increase if you look at the numbers, not just in georgia, in all 17 of the states we worked in. i want to push back on that, first of all. secondly, as it per contains to black men and our attitude towards joe biden or any politician at this moment, i m not going to hold you, rev. black men are not excited about joe biden. they were not excited about joe biden during the election cycle. this is why people missed the enthusiasm that existed in black men in 2020. they were polling, are you happy to vote for biden, and brothers continually said no. but what they weren t asking were, are you excited about the possibility that we coul
if we have these numbers that latinos are dying at a significant disproportionate rate of white americans, we need to hold police accountable and change the structures. carmen, i don t need to tell you there are those who would like to use these issues to divide black communities and latinos who are not black. how do you flip the script to make this an opportunity for unity and allyship? there has always been solidarity efforts. as it per contains to data, there s no good data about latinx people and the issue of mass incarceration, criminal justice, and police killings because of the way in which data is collected by race and ethnicity. rate and ethnicity distinctions are often filled out by law enforcement, which leaves room for error, o latinos are often categorized as black, white, or
one walk in the seventh inning, other than that he was perfect. baileys what the third reds pitcher to throw more than one no hit per. dodgers working phenom yasiel puig first homer making history. puig homered again against the rockies. hitting ht 443 with 8 home runs and rbis in 27 games. the home runs by any player in the big league is the first since joe dimaggio. the big thing now who puig be named for the all-star. and a-rod is back. this is a-rod s first game since hip surgery. he struck out in the third to end the night, 0 for 2.