greed? many people would say it was certainly greed that got them there. roger says he s proud of it because he made a lot of money. but one of the other things is that they were anti-communist. anything anti-communist at the time in the reagan administration and the congress got the rubber stamp and they were more than happy to overlook any genocide or other accusations because there was a great pay check in it. i want to put a pin on this anti-communist thing because there was an interesting piece that wasn t in the film but you guys touched a little bit on the relationship with donald trump in the 80s. in 1987 donald trump took out ads in the new york times and a bunch of other major newspapers in which he asserted essentially that ronald reagan was weak on foreign policy and that he was wrong on the soviet union. it was titled, there s nothing wrong with america s foreign policy that a little back bone can t cure. trump attacked american foreign policy after trump visited th
times in his answer, jake, to that question to describe ben carson. he said, look, ben carson uses that word in his own book to describe himself. donald trump went through each of the examples dr. carson has given of course including hitting his mother on the head with a hammer. and in that case, you know, donald made the point. he said why are we in a position here where now for him to say these things did happen is a good thing? it gives a man credibility to say i tried to hit my mother over the head with a hammer. he also, jake, likened the situation to a child molester. he said if you re a child molester, you can t be cured. and if you re pathological as ben carson describes himself, you cannot be cured. he used the term child molester? yes. he used the term child molester specifically. he said, child molesters you can t cure, right? if you re pathological, you can t be cured. so he did completely make that analogy. wow. can t wait to watch. erin burnett, thanks so much. make
comedians, you don t have to be one to get the benefit. i ll surround myself with humor. not hard to do. fascinating book. good luck. thanks for joining us. thanks very much. i don t think anyone has to be sold on that. it would seem that laughter would ben if the all of us. next hour of the newsroom with deborah feyerick. you like to laugh, don t you? there i love to laugh. nothing that a good joke can t cure, if nothing else takes you out of your head and puts you into a funny situation. what you give is what you get. you give a lot of laughter, you ll have more joy in your life. thank you. great to see you. well, you are in the cnn newsroom. i m deborah feyerick. you are in the cnn newsroom,
hearing is mobile. when did you guys know mobile was going to be so big. what does the future look like when it comes to mobile on facebook? it really happened a couple of years ago. we sort of instituted all of these rules in the company. whenever we show our products to each other, we need to start with the mobile version. the future of facebook might look a little different. alongside the traditional app, you might start seeing a variety of apps created by the company. we have facebook, instagram messenger. we just announced paper which is a more emer sieve way of looking at your news feed. it cure rates your news feed based on your interest. a challenge will be continuing to grow at such a rapid pace. they are starting to saturate the internet-connected world. when you look out over the next three years, there are going to be a lot more people with their first computer and phone and access to the internet. one of the things we are really excited about is making the access
survived. the republicans need to get over it. it is here. it will be here 100% forever. not going anywhere. and by that point, that is actually true. the irony for republicans is the more they fight on obama care, they sort of spiraling themselves down a drain because it can t be done but they have to keep saying they re going to do it in order for their base not to get angry. they re literally destroying their party from within. it is like a virus inside the republican party that they can t cure. don t you think they re doing this with a number of subjects, like, for example, what happened in benghazi? the relentless pursuit of something which will do nothing to bring back the lives of those four proud public servants, which will do nothing they don t talk about raising investments in consulate security. and they turn september 11th into bash obama day instead of a solemn memorial. and a unified one. and the force of unification in the country.