taking away columbus day, in is already uproar about it ab. get out go to work. if you are talking columbus day away out of woke politics i am not a big fan, if you are doing it to reorient yourself in tennessee to a big american tradition, maybe i can get onboard. most of the midwest, makes first day of hunting s season a holiday, all these kids need to get out in the woods and kill deer, i love, that national college play-off is a monday. they are american tradition, super bowl is the grand-daddy. not to take it away from rorose bowl, i don t mind it. if you are an adult and you
it was a lot of self analysis to get over the trauma of january 6th, itself, and the things i saw on both sides. i do not understand how you can pick sides, it seems like a really clear side. the things that i saw were bad regardless of which side are you on is what i m saying. there is nothing illegal watch ac fight that s happening. that s not illegal. a mob storming the capitol. in some sense it is illegal. it s immoral. but i wasn t doing anything wrong. you were a part of the crowd. your very presence was giving them support. you re a part of the crowd as well. i was a junalist. i was a citizen there i think we are getting side tracked. i think actually this is at the heart of the question. this is the problem of a mop. it ab solves people of their moral culpability there. i was just one person especially want to be clear the people that actually had you know physical confrontations with police officers, they should be held accountable for that.
true, but is there any indication in spite of what we apparently have just heard from sarah huckabee sanders that it a b that a pardon is off the table? there is a possibility it was discussed. well, on the way that president trump has talked about paul manafort, let s be clear. he s only talked about him in the sense that he doesn t really know him and wasn t significant on his campaign. since paul manafort was in legal trouble, he did play a significant role in the campaign, particularly to the run up to the republican convention and served several months, not just 49 days, on his campaign. in terms of pardons, we have seen reports from the new york times that the president s legal team dangled a pardon for paul manafort, but here s the thing about a pardon by the president for paul manafort. even if he were to do that, he would then potentially face state charges for some of these crimes that he s admitted to committing, whether it s bank fraud or tax fraud. so even if preside
as being the reason to do it now. he is suggesting, get everybody in a room and try to hash things out. that s not where the leadership is at this point, to go quite that far. the interesting thing is i am hearing from conservatives. praise for president trump s handling of this. some frustration at their own leadership about how this has come to pass. the wish list. could they get something accomplished by tomorrow. i have sources at the white house and here on capitol hill that say that s a possibility, to come to an agreement tonight, vote tomorrow. this is all in the maybe category of what could happen. at the meeting tonight this will be a chance for them to sort of test where people are, look for ideas. there could be some procedural vote that happens on the floor which just helps them get to the bill. but the real takeaway is that this first really enormous step for the presint in terms of legislation has hit a b speed bump. can they save it. there are some members i am talking
the deviation of the script didn t change the overall purpose of the speech. one thing they don t draw your attention to, how often he praised, he, meaning president obama, praised jesus christ. this was very much a speech about his faith. of course, if you say that, it runs contrary to the other narrative that they put out about t. ab, let me get you in on this i think michael hit on something, people now looking at intonation and words that could have other meetings and that brings me to the joe biden video his comments made yesterday. he had to clarify what he meant regarding middle class people being buried the last four years. let me play what he said in his clarification and what stephanie cutter said on morning joe. the middle class was buried by the policies that romney and ryan supported. as bill clinton said you all they are suggesting now when he is asked about this, and he s a the best, he made the comment, he said, what they are proposing is bush economic policies on