the christie campaign tells us it plans to engage trump andant act as counterpunch. lester? gabe gutierrez, thank you. in 60 seconds, prince harry s history-mamaking testimony.y. what h he said abobout the tabloids, his privacy, and princess d diana. with t type 2 diabas you haveve up to 4 t times grgreater risksk of stroke,, heart t attack, oror death. evenen at your a a1c goal, you re s still at ririsk ...which if f ignored could brbring you hehere. .may p put you inn one ofof those.. .or evenen worse. too much?? thatat s the poioint. get t real aboutut your riss and do something about i it. tatalk to yourur health care prorovider about t ways to lolower your risk of f stroke, heheart attatack, or deaeath. learn momore at gegetrealaboututdiabetes.c.m okay everyryone, our m missions complelete balanceced nutriti.