Shamanic traditions tell us that there are cords, strands, threads, and filaments of energy that flow to and through us, connecting us to everyone and everything in the universe. Some have said these cords regulate our interactions and can deplete and enhance us. We chat about the paranormal implications of such a concept before heading. Read more »
As far as legends and lore go, those of the undead have managed to stretch out beyond geographical boundaries and have taken up a place within the human psyche. Across geographical divides there have long been stories and lore on what we in the Western world call vampires, and such tales have pervaded the legends. Read more »
Since the dawn of time, we have continually tried to find ways with which to best each other. We have moved from fists, to stones, to arrows and beyond, in an ever escalating process of one-upsmanship, always trying to stay ahead of the curve in warfare. This has taken many forms, and one of these. Read more »
Photographic evidence of UFOs has always been pretty shaky at best. Among all of the videos and photos of supposed UFOs there are the hoaxes and fakes, and this has only become more pronounced in recent years with the advent of advanced means to fake photos such as Photoshop. Yet controversial photos and video footage. Read more »
Known for a once thriving silver industry, the dusty town of tombstone, Arizona was also the location for one of the stranger and oft discussed accounts of an anomaly of cryptozoology. The Tombstone Epitaph on April 26, 1890 included a case of a rather curious encounter. The article details the fantastic account of some sort. Read more »