Renewed threats of sanctions. As many wonder whether donald trump will take ever more extreme measures before handing over the white house. We speak to the head of a top israeli hospital thats ordered russias sputnik vivax seen as the anti covert job goes through final phase trials. We are pretty sure the idea of a very good morning to you. Its 8 am here in the russian capital, and youre watching r. T. International with me. Becky, aaron, its great to have you with us. In the moscow has begun dispatching peacekeepers to monitor the cease fire between armenia and azerbaijan. Russia brokered the deal a week ago to stop the bloodshed in the disputed region of new go karabakh. Well, these are the latest pictures of russian equipment, hundreds of vehicles and some 2000 personnel, landing and on media. The mission will last 5 years with an Automatic Extension in for a quiet. Hes one county and is on his latest upon a time to russias peacekeeping. Headquarters and more i get to see you how mu
Public art and architecture worthy of our great republic. We do so by advocating for the Classical Tradition in civic design. We believe that tradition is unparalleled in its dignity, beauty and harmony, not to mention its legibility to the common man. It is no accident that the Founding Fathers chose the classical style when designing the Nations Capital and its core buildings of government. The founders sought to harken back to republic rome and democratic athens and knew that classical architecture was time honored and timeless. The National Civic arts Society Works to continue and expand upon the founders vision for the Nations Capital in federal design generally. I perhaps dont need to tell you that since the 1950s, washington, d. C. Has been marred and disfigured by federal buildings and memorials that do not comport with the citys classical heritage and identity. For instance, there is the hirshhorn museum, which looks like a gun slit bunker. Then theres the brutalist fbi buildi
Years later. Exploring the american story. Watch American History tv, this weekend on cspan 3. Summer, 1945. And the war was 1 million men old. Hang on jim. Keep your eyes shut tight, and drink. They are moving you back now. Do not give up, just hang on. The road back is bumpy, and maybe the plane blurs arise. But listen, porn you strength into your veins. A nurse handed clumps to a surgeon and counted sponges. A nurse prepared and administered the anesthetics and watch you constantly for any detailed tell in your blood pressure. All working with the same purpose to ease the pain of war, to help save lives. The preparation for the moment that we bring the army nurse to your side began months before back home in the United States. After three years of professional schooling, the nurses were given four weeks of basic training. And those early days, perhaps the nurse wondered why she had to sit through seemingly endless classes and submit to rigid discipline. Often while muscles ached ing
In liberating strife many of us felt we never would get a chance to really fight. Who more than self their country loved and mercy more than life i couldnt go in, which i didnt realize at that time, was because of the color of my skin. America america may god make god thy gold refine the story of africanamericans in world war ii is, indeed, a legacy of patriotism and valor. In 1941 americans looked at their world and saw war everywhere. Across the atlantic adolf hitlers german troops occupied nearly every inch of europe, from france to russia, to the baltic sea and in north africa. In the pacific the Japanese Army and navy had already captured parts of china, manchuria, korea and a number of nearby islands. Pearl harbor would stun the United States into war. Monday morning the first thing i did was go down to the recruiting station to enlist in the service of my country. I was told there was no quota for black troops. Theyve got to remember that this country was very discriminatory, se
A very complicated thing. Yes, just two quick questions. I was wondering if the panel was familiar with the work of the late dr. Reuben westin. He passed, i think, last year. He was the author of racism and u. S. Imperialism. He taught at central state. He was a chairman of the History Department at one point. We talked about how the u. S. Government squashed the revolts of antonio meseo in cuba. The second part is i had an uncle named richard kidd who fought in world war i and came back, quote, unquote, shell shocked, and he spent some time in a hospital in danville, illinois, and i dont know could you speak to how black soldiers were treated upon their return to the United States . I know going to a bad Army Hospital was not the worst thing that could happen to you, but i dont know if these hospitals were segregated or theres because having a crazy uncle somewhere in your house is a trope in fiction from that period of time. The crazy uncle probably also had a child with a french nam