Editor’s Note: All events must be open to the public. Be sure to include the specific dates, times, prices and location of the event. Send to news@pressrepublican.com or to Press-Republican
Editor’s Note: All events must be open to the public. Be sure to include the specific dates, times, prices and location of the event. Send to news@pressrepublican.com or to Press-Republican
FARMERSBURG, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) With the month of October just around the corner, the arrival of what many call “spooky season” is here. For many of us, October brings with it some of our favorite elements of living in Indiana, the cooler temperatures, beautiful leaf colors, evening campfires, pumpkin spice everything, and skeletons, witches, and […]
FARMERSBURG, Ind. (WTWO/WAWV) — With the month of October just around the corner, the arrival of what many call "spooky season" is here. For many of us, October brings with it some of our favorite elements of living in Indiana, the cooler temperatures, beautiful leaf colors, evening campfires, pumpkin spice everything, and skeletons, witches, and [.]