ever happened in rwanda. tutsis had way too much money. they had way too much power. tutsis were way too privileged . they were greedy, they were bigoted. they were racists. they were dangerous. everything about tutsi ness was repulsive. for the most part, actual tutsis in rwanda ignored. all of this. hutu radio was not aimed at them. but then in july of 1994, just nine months after our tlm went on the air, a began in rwanda . more than half a million tutsis were murdered, in many cases by hutus whose rage had been stoked to violence by elm s broadcast. entire tutsi families were dragged from their homes and hacked to death with machetes. hundreds of thousands of women were. the world watched in horror as it happened, but did nothing to intervene. instead, our leaders told us at the time, the in rwanda would live forever as a lesson to the rest of us . about the capacity for evil that lurks inside every human heart and the dangers of reducing our neighbors to the sum total of
Lt. Gov. Winsome Earle–Sears honored the lifetime contributions of the Honorable Daniel P. Cortez of Stafford County, in keeping with Hispanic Heritage Month.
Hispanic and Latino Heritage Month celebrations were held at the Governor’s Mansion recently as Gov. Glenn and first lady Suzanne Youngkin hosted about a hundred of Virginia’s who’s who in