these young liberals to come out and go, wasn tout my fault yes, it was.r what take credit for what you didid wrong. and fix it. just fix it. well, i think now the question is , i want to survey the crowd if i can.can and i wantwant t to ask a simplo question. o how many of you thinf k heyor paying back the money is a punishment enough? no, no. how many of you wanted to . congld she be kicked out of congress? crows that what you are? you re right. we have a great crowd guniy. well, it s going to be interesting. i will say this. s the doubleay standard, though, this i think this was why this crowd is saying this, becauseu e if you re republican , you ll get arrested for jaywalking or spitting on the sidewalk. if you re a democrat, like hillary clinton or joe biden orn zero experienced hunter, youeryg get away with everything nos atand hado consequence all. she t to to this point, you know, she crashed the party and shown gift bags and all
before we get into the news that you were initially herectio for, what is your initial reaction to this news about nikki haley?ley? well, loredo, i ve endorsed president trump. i think that he s the likely nominee. and 2024, i certainly think that he s the best nominee because he delivered on his promises. and i think we ought to gives th him a chance during during a second term to deliver on more of those promises.i i m not here to beat up on any of the other candidates, but i think trump s going to winth and i think he ll be the bese te nominesse for the party.ikki congressman banks, your thoughts on nikki haley? i i mean, everybody knows nikkiele haley, a lovely person. she was considered quitemore o formidable at the un. e toda she s more of an establishment favorite. you know, if i sawy someone the online today saying she s then should be the jeb bush of 2020 s four, i don t know if that s fair or not, but she s understood to be a little bitservativ more establishment, certainly
it s like tuesday is hotter mysterious cousin where tuesday says sorry, guys, i have to stay in and do my homework, thursday is like, hey, what are you doing here? why don t you swing by my van and we can party, just had the upholstery scotchgarded. speaking of parties, what a transition, an amazing contrast of two governors had their inauguration speech as well one spoke of celebrating policies leading to unprecedented population growth, the other groveled to citizen she once mocked for leaving her state. first the empress of eyebrows. new york governor kathy houck goal vowing to her state of better place to live, once she t who replaced her botox with crazy glue. roll it. we must and will make our state safer. this means new yorkers can walk our streets, ride our subways,
call 855 six thirty two hundred. that s 800 for five seven six thirty two hundred. and welcome back as wee continue live here on beautiful palm beach, florida. now to another critical race right here in the sunshine state. senator marco rubio has opened up a commanding double digit lead over democrat val demings after this debatek. performance. att s take a look the extremist on abortion in this campaign is congresswoman demings. she supports no restrictions, no limitations of any kind. she voted against a form. she t a four month ban. she voted against a five month ban. she supports taxpayer funded abortion on demand for any reason, at any time up until the moment of birth, because you didn t support a 20 week
e, on the hbo show, you know, that s that s there arewo a lot of number two show. as a parent, i am so sick of schools not focusing on math and reading and critical thinking. i really think the only time m my girls learn state capitals is when i had a shower curtainri of the united states , thatat ha i had alll tl the state capitals on it. so they need to go back and teach kids math . that is really, really important. the other thing, as a parent, i appreciateher thing as a the e when my older daughter is , especially when she wastried a freshman in high school, she t tried to wear like crop tops tol school. so i started wearing crop tops and found out the other day she came home and i was foldinging a laundry and i found one . so i putun idrt on because i knw she was about to come home. i was folding laundry righthey. by i m like, hey, it s like, oh my god, what are you doing? doing that s malmaison. that s why i kind of like the mom ism. all right. i killed this. tell you