As protests against the judicial overhaul again ramp up, a leading Israeli legal scholar believes the national situation is not yet dire enough to be a 'full constitutional moment'
The good old days are not coming back. However, Jesus IS. His return for His Church is imminent. We are now a bit past the end of the sixth day, 6000 years since Adam was created. The rapture, and the seven year Tribulation period is imminently upon us. The New World Order’s brief kingdom and lasti
The Lutheran and Presbyterian churches are commonly known as the Protestant church. The Methodist Church, however, was not produced by the Messiah. It was instead the product of a movement started in 18th century England by John and Charles Wesley.
Study for yourself. Stop relying on the pastor and church leaders to manage your relationship with God and spoon feed you the knowledge you should be getting through personal intimate time with the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.