High school delinquents Kenji, Asakura, and Ota lead a simple life. They spend most of their time getting into fights with gangs at rival high schools and playing video games in the small temple town of Sakamoto. When a man thrusts a bass into leader Kenji s hands to chase down a thief unimpeded, it sparks something in him and he decides to start a band with his two friends. Not one of them has touched an instrument since elementary school, but that doesn t discourage them one bit, and they name their new band Kobujutsu. When the school s folk trio Kobijutsu invites them to play in a festival, they agree despite their inexperience.
Storyboards Gallery exclusive to the Blu-ray disc
The film from Hiroyuki Ohashi was launched via a crowdfunding campaign and it has Kenji Iwaisawa directing it while Ohashi works on the designs and overall supervision.
The main cast list includes Shintarō Sakamoto as Kenji, Ren Komai as Aya, Tomoya Meno as Ōta, Tateto Serizawa as Asakura, Kami Hiraiwa as Morita, and Naoto Takenaka as Ōba.
The Dresscodes performed the theme song for the film.
Plot Concept: When you’re a bored teenager looking for thrills, sometimes the only thing you can turn to is rock ‘n roll. Having no skill, money, or even a full set of drums, a feared trio of high school delinquents nevertheless decide they are destined for musical glory in a quest to impress their only friend Aya, avoid a rival gang, and – most importantly – jam out.
leading the gainers. the rise in tokyo comes as upbeat u.s. unemployment data pushed the dollar higher against the yen overnight. taking a look now at foreign exchange market, the dollar is being bought against the yen on expectations for a u.s. economic recovery. the dollar has gained more than one yen on thursday morning. the greenback is trading between 83.28 to 30. the euro now at 1.3132-3134. market sources say the dollar buying was encouraged by better than expected u.s. job figures on wednesday, which raised hopes for a u.s. revival and gave tokyo traders their cue. u.s. president barack obama is going to have a tougher time working with congress now that republicans have a majority in the house of representatives. as the 112th congress started on wednesday, republican john boehner took over as house speaker from democrat nancy pelosi. our spending has caught up with us. and our debt soon will eclipse the entire size of our national economy. the republicans plan