Passed a landmark bylaw recognizing samesex partnerships as the equivalent of marriage. Families of japanese citizens abducted to north korea in the 1970s and 80s are still hoping to learn about the fates of their loved ones. Officials in pyongyang pledged last may to launch a new investigation into what happened to them. But they failed to deliver reports on their progress. So japanese leaders have decided to extend economic sanctions for two more years. Cabinet ministers approved the extension on tuesday. The sanctions had been set to expire in two weeks. Translator japan will use pressure and dialogue to resolve the abduction issue, and other pending issues related to north korea. Reporter japanese officials have named 17 people who were abducted by north korean agents. But the victims families and police say the real number may reach into the hundred. Officials in tokyo first imposed the sanctions in 2006. They prohibit north korea from engaging in trade with japan. This isnt the f
A torii (an archway or gate to a shrine) represents the boundary between the world of humans and the world where deities live. There are plenty of shrines
Staff of Hiroshima Electric Railway Co. show live footage of the inside of a streetcar that survived the 1945 atomic bombing of Hiroshima shot through a smartphone on Feb. 16 in Hiroshima’s Naka Ward. (Jun Ueda)
Streetcar No. 651, survivor of Hiroshima s atomic bombing, rumbled through the city s streets on a recent morning, taking elementary school students on a virtual tour.
The streetcar was running within 700 meters of the blast center of the atomic bomb that U.S. forces dropped on the city on Aug. 6, 1945. Though badly damaged by the blast, it still carries passengers in Hiroshima today after being repaired.
Their annual school trip to Hiroshima canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 157 sixth-graders at Asukano Elementary School in Ikoma, Nara Prefecture, watched the tour unfold as it streamed live on video over the internet on Feb. 16.