Its fullness in eternity, we bring our petitions to you using some of his final words. Bless the members of this peoples house and those in authority on all levels of society with wisdom and courage to address the unholy oppression that awaits so many of our brothers and sisters of color. May there be a new creative way of establishing Something Like Community Policing that peace and security might be enjoyed where we live. O lord, do we dare to consider the power of nonviolence in our homes, our communities, our nation, and perhaps in leadership for our world. Might we truly be called, if not challenged, to beat our swords into plowshares and spears into pruning hooks so that nations shall not lift up sword against nation, neither shall we learn war anymore. And as we are reminded, the greatest expression of nonviolent challenge to injustice is the vote. Bless all efforts to secure access to the ballot for all american citizens. Help us, o lord, to answer the highest calling of our he
Stoneman douglas school. Its hosted by donald payne jr. The subcommittee is meeting today to receive testimony on engaging the communitys perspective on School Security. Good morning, and thank you everyone who is here today. The subcommittee is meeting to discuss Community Perspectives on School Safety and how the federal government can better support local stakeholders in making our children safer. I want to thank the witnesses for participating in todays hearing. First, we have ms. Lauren hogg and mr. Max shafters testimony is ones the American Public needs to hear and ones that members of congress should take to heart as we go about our w k work. A special thank you to both. The chair would like to acknowledge congressman deutsch who represents parkland, florida, and has been a champion for measures to improve School Safety. I ask unanimous consent to allow congressman deutsch to sit and ask questions. Without objection its so ordered. Im glad this hearing can build upon hearings t
The subcommittee is meeting today to receive testimony on the committees perspective on School Security. Good morning and thank you to everyone who is here today. The subcommittee is meeting to discuss Community Perspectives on School Safety and how the federal government can better support local stakeholders in making our children safer. I want to thank the witnesses for participating in todays hearing. First, we have is lauren hogg, and mr. Max schaffner, testimonies are once the American Public needs to hear and once that members of congress should take to heart as we go about our work. A special thank you to both for sharing your experience with us. The chair would also to acknowledge congressman deutsche, who does not set on this committee but he represents florida has been a champion for measures to improve School Safety. I ask unanimous consent to allow to question the witnesses at todays hearing. That went out objection, it is so ordered. Im glad this hearing can build upon the
The subcommittee is meeting today to receive testimony on the committees perspective on School Security. Good morning and thank you to everyone who is here today. The subcommittee is meeting to discuss Community Perspectives on School Safety and how the federal government can better support local stakeholders in making our children safer. I want to thank the witnesses for participating in todays hearing. First, we have is lauren hogg, and mr. Max schaffner, testimonies are once the American Public needs to hear and once that members of congress should take to heart as we go about our work. A special thank you to both for sharing your experience with us. The chair would also to acknowledge congressman deutsche, who does not set on this committee but he represents florida has been a champion for measures to improve School Safety. I ask unanimous consent to allow to question the witnesses at todays hearing. That went out objection, it is so ordered. Im glad this hearing can build upon the
Subcommittee is meeting today to receive testimony on engaging the Community Perspective of School Security. Good morning and thank you, everyone who is here today. The subcommittee is meeting to discuss Community Perspectives on School Safety and how the federal government can better support local stakeholders in making our children safer. I want to thank the witnesses for participating in todays hearing. Hearing. First we have, ms. Lauren first we have ms. Lauren hogg and mr. Max schachter. Their testimonies are ones the American Public needs to hear and ones that members of congress should take to heart as we go about our work. Ofpecial thank you to both you for sharing your experience with us. Acknowledge congressman deutsche, who does not set on this committee but he represents florida has been a champion for measures to improve School Safety. I asked the consent to allow to question the witnesses at todays hearing. That went out objection, it is so ordered. Im both of this hearin