and odd and frivolous behavior and showing disrespect for the norms of society. in the haight ash bury district illegally smoked illegal substances threatened to make love and not war and let it known they trusted no one over 30. jesse: haight ash bury one place in the country where you could get high and flaunt it in public. over a half century later san francisco s hippy generation gave birth to this. excuse me, ma am, you know there is a drug rehab here, right? can you use drugs somewhere else. she ain t doing drugs, man. she got a meth pipe in her hand. stop your drug habit maybe you wouldn t get evicted. come on, you have got to do that somewhere else, bro. get up with that, bro. you are out in front of a building right now. this is where people live. we got this business we are trying to run here and you are making it look kind of bad over here. can you guys clean it up a little bit and go somewhere elsewhere w. this stuff? because it s getting a little out of
television has grown faster than a teenager, and now it is time to grow up. the tv was the center of the house. i don t remember a time without tv. by 1960, essentially every household in america had a television. it was a new way of bringing the world to you. when something big happened on television, it really did happen to the entire country and impacted the entire country at the same time. keep an awakened eye on the world. suddenly television was the main event. everything else changed, even the way in which you went about the business of getting someone elected president. david, will you hit the one-minute button, please. 30 seconds and the cut, please. in 1960, the nixon/kennedy debate was a first in television. a lot of people were watching that night, and it introduced a lot of people to kennedy. would you let me see the tight shot on camera one, please? can you hear me now speaking? is that about the right tone of voice? good evening. the
and odd and frivolous behavior and showing disrespect for the norms of society. in the haight ash bury district illegally smoked illegal substances threatened to make love and not war and let it known they trusted no one over 30. jesse: haight ash bury one place in the country where you could get high and flaunt it in public. over a half century later san francisco s hippy generation gave birth to this. excuse me, ma am, you know there is a drug rehab here, right? can you use drugs somewhere else. she ain t doing drugs, man. she got a meth pipe in her hand. stop your drug habit maybe you wouldn t get evicted. come on, you have got to do that somewhere else, bro. get up with that, bro. you are out in front of a building right now. this is where people live. we got this business we are trying to run here and you are making it look kind of bad over here. can you guys clean it up a
we took it to the network and the network said, what the hell is this? they said, this makes no sense. i said, right! they acknowledged the hippy generation, yet the hosts were in tuxedos smoking cigarettes. they were still your parents. but the other people let loose on the show were this kind of young vaudeville. hey, she socked it to herself! we knew that sock it to me didn t mean sock it to me, right? so we thought, oh! sock it to me. sock it to me! ha ha. sock it to me? it wasn t not as subversive as it sounds. yes, it was. it was fun. sock it to me? [ it was the first time presidential candidate had ever appeared on a comedy show.
you, too. they acknowledged the hippy generation, yet the hosts were in tuxedos smoking cigarettes. they were still your parents. but other people let loose on the show were this kind of young vaudeville. hey. it s sock it to me time. she socked it to herself. we knew that sock it to me didn t mean sock it to me. right? so we thought, oh. sock it to me. sock it to me. ha-ha. sock it to me. it wasn t as subversive as it sounds. yes it was. no, it was fun. sock it to me? it was the first time presidential candidates ever appeared on a comedy show and that may have got him elected. and i ve had to live with that. anyway the family that watched