All of the applications can be viewed via the planning section of South Gloucestershire Council’s website. Erection of outbuilding in rear garden to form gym and storage. At 104 Cherington, Yate. Ref. No: P21/00657/F Status: Awaiting decision Change of use from financial and professional services to a dwelling: The Old Surgery, High Street, Thornbury. Ref. No: P21/00708/F Status: Awaiting decision Internal alterations to include the installation of first floor wall partitions. At the Old Surgery, High Street, Thornbury. Ref. No: P21/00709/LB Status: Awaiting decision Ref. No: DOC21/00053 Status: Awaiting decision Highway Signage Plan at Hinkley Point C Connection Project, between Bridgwater in Somerset and Seabank Substation, north of Avonmouth.
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BRIDGWATER 08/20/00202: Land Between Friarn Street And, Broadway, Bridgwater, Somerset: Erection of 43 Flats within two blocks with associated access and parking areas, amenity space and landscaping.
BROOMFIELD 10/20/00013: Apple Cottage, 55 Shellthorne Hill, Broomfield, Bridgwater, TA5 2EN: Erection of a single storey extension to the side (South) and rear (East) elevations with reconfiguration of ground floor and associated landscaping.
BURNHAM & HIGHBRIDGE 11/20/00144: 3 Boniface Walk, Burnham On Sea, Somerset, TA8 1RE: Certificate of lawfulness for the proposed erection of a single storey extension to the rear (North) elevation, on site of existing conservatory (to be demolished).
All of the applications can be viewed via the planning section of South Gloucestershire Council’s website. Lighting scheme and archaeological scheme at Hinkley Point C Connection Project, between Bridgwater in Somerset and Seabank substation, north of Avonmouth. Ref. No: DOC/01/R6(1)(E)/PRE & Ref. No: DCO/01/R6(1)(H)/PRE Status: Awaiting decision Discharge of conditions attached to planning permission for erection of a pavilion building, the creation of two all weather hockey pitches and six netball courts with floodlighting, landscaping, car parking and associated works. At The Lawns Sports Ground, Redmaids High School, South Gloucestershire. Ref. No: DOC20/00394 Status: Awaiting decision