Welcome. The Hingham Heritage Museum. My name is deirdre anderson. I have the pleasure of serving as the executive director of the hingham Historical Society. Whose home is here at the Hingham Heritage Museum and welcome to this soldout program. On behalf of our board of directors and our small staff, i would like to thank you all for making us a part of your week. Excuse me. I would like to thank cspan for filming us so that others who cannot be with us tonight can see it at a later date. And thank you to the Abigail Adams Historical Society and their board of directors, who offered us this wonderful opportunity to partner with them as we did last year with their gillis. Their speaker, edith gillis. Abigails rich history in this region inspires us every day. Thank you. The hingham Historical Society is focused like never before on its history, to understand all voices. We currently are in the midst of a campaign for the Benjamin Lincoln house, which is our effort to purchase the home